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Below are melodies we sing during services. 

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Songs for Shabbat

Mozis Niggun by Joey Weisenberg

L'cha Dodi arranged by Josh Warshawsky​​
לְכָה דוֹדִי לִקְרַאת כַּלָּה. פְּנֵי שַׁבָּת נְקַבְּלָה 
Lecha dodi likrat kala, p’nei Shabbat n’kabelah! 

בּֽוֹאִי בְשָׁלוֹם עֲטֶרֶת בַּעְלָהּ. גַּם בְּשִׂמְחָה וּבְצָהֳלָה. 
תּוֹךְ אֱמוּנֵי עַם סְגֻּלָּה. בּֽוֹאִי כַלָּה, בּֽוֹאִי כַלָּה
Bo’i v’shalom, ateret ba’ala, 
Gam b’simcha uv’ tzhala. 
Toch emunei am segula; Bo’i chala, bo’i chala. 
Come, my friend, to meet the bride; let us welcome the Sabbath. 

Psalm 92 - Tzadik Katamar by Lewandowski 

Psalm 93 - Mikolot Mayim Rabim 

 Welcoming Ritual: Psalm 126 music by Joey Weisenberg
שׁוּבָ֣ה יְ֭הוָה אֶת שְׁבִיתֵ֑נוּ כַּאֲפִיקִ֥ים בַּנֶּֽגֶב׃ 
Shuva Ado-nai et shiviteinu ka-afikeem banegev.
Restore our fortunes, Infinite One, like watercourses in the Negeb.

הַזֹּרְעִ֥ים בְּדִמְעָ֗ה בְּרִנָּ֥ה יִקְצֹֽרוּ׃
Hazorim b'dimah b'rina yiktzoru
They who sow in tears shall reap with songs of joy.

שִׁ֗יר הַֽמַּ֫עֲל֥וֹת בְּשׁ֣וּב יְ֭הוָה אֶת־שִׁיבַ֣ת צִיּ֑וֹן הָ֝יִ֗ינוּ כְּחֹלְמִֽים׃ 
Shir hama'alot b'shuv Ado-nai et shivat Tzion hayinu k'chol'mim 
A song of ascents. When the LORD restores the fortunes of Zion —we see it as in a dream—

אָ֤ז יִמָּלֵ֪א שְׂח֡וֹק פִּינוּ֮ וּלְשׁוֹנֵ֪נוּ רִ֫נָּ֥ה
Az yimale s'hok pinu ul'shonenu rinah 
our mouths shall be filled with laughter, our tongues, with songs of joy.

Songs for the Month of Elul

Achat Shaalti by Israel Katz
Achat sha-alti mei-eit Adonai, otah avakkeish
shivti b'veit Adonai, kol y'mei hayyai
la-chazot b'no-am Adonai u-l'vakkeir b'heikhalo.

One thing I ask of Adonai - this I seek:
to dwell in the House of G-d all the days of my life,
to behold G-d's beauty and visit in G-d's sanctuary. 

Adonai Ori by Cantor Dara Rosenblatt 
Adonai Ori v'yish'i me'me'ira 
Adonai ma'oz chay'ai me'me efchad 

The Divine is my light and my help. Who is it that I fear?The Divine is the strength of my life.
Who is it that I dread?

Elul Niggun by Eitan Katz

B'Shem Hashem by Shlomo Carlebach

Piyyut V'ye'etayu 
Last line refrain: V'yitnu L'cha Keter M'lucha 
We present You with the crown of sovereignty

Songs for Hanukkah

Hanukkah Candle Blessing

Hanukkah Song

Al Hanissim
Al hanissim, v'al hapurkan, v'al hag'vurot v'al hat'tshuot
v'al hamilchamot sh'asita lavoteinu bayamim hahem baz'man hazeh.

We thank you also for the miracles,​ for redemptio​n, for the mighty deeds and saving acts, wrought by you, as well as for the wars which you waged for our ancestors in days of old, at this season.

Maoz Tzur
Maoz tzur y’shuati l’cha naeh l’shabeach
Tikon beit t’filati v’sham todah n’zabeach.

L’eit tachin matbeach mitzar hamnabeach
Az egmor b’shir mizmor chanukat hamizbeach

מָעוֹז צוּר יְשׁוּעָתִי לְךָ נָאֶה לְשַׁבֵּחַ
תִּכּוֹן בֵּית תְּפִלָּתִי וְשָׁם תּוֹדָה נְזַבֵּחַ.

לְעֵת תָּכִין מַטְבֵּחַ מִצָּר הַמְנַבֵּחַ.
אָז אֶגְמוֹר בְּשִׁיר מִזְמור חֲנֻכַּת הַמִּזְבֵּחַ.

Rock of Ages let our song, Praise thy saving power;
Thou amidst the raging foes, Wast our sheltering tower.
Furiously they assailed us, But Thine arm availed us
And Thy word broke their sword, When our own strength failed us.


Songs for Purim

Mishenichnas Adar
Mishenichnas Adar, marbin b’simcha
When the month of Adar arrives, we increase our joy!

La Kova Sheli
Lakova sheli shalosh pinot
shalosh pinot lakova sheli 

Lulei hayu lo shalosh pinot
Lo haya ze hakova sheli 

My hat it has three corners. Three corners has my hat. If it didn't have three corners, it wouldn't be my hat! 

Niggun Adar by Yoel Sykes

Songs for Passover

Order of the Seder/Kadesh-Urchatz

Avadim Hayinu

V'hi Sheamda


Adir Hu   

Song for Shavuot

Where You Go I Will Go by Shoshana Jedweb

Where you Go I will Go Beloved
Your People are My People, Your People are Mine
Your People are My People, your Divine, My Divine

(Lyrics inspired by Book of Ruth Chapter 2)

Songs for the High Holy Days

Areshet S'fateinu

Avinu Malkeinu (folk)

B'rosh Hashanah

B'sefer Chayim (Goldfarb)

EI Nora Alilah

Hayom Harat Olam (Hohenemser)

Hayom Tamtzeinu (Goldfarb)

High Holiday Niggun (Fast)

High Holiday Niggun (Slow)

L'dor Vador (Finkelstein)

L'shana Tova

M'chalkeil Hayim

S'lach Lanu

V'al Kulam

V'chol Maaminim


Songs for Hallel

Psalm 118 (Ozi Vzimrat Yah by Shefa Gold)

Ozi vzim'rat yah, vay'hi li lishu'a

Kol rina v'shua b'oholei tzadikim
Y'min Ado-nai osah chayil
Y'min Ado-nai romem'ma
Y'min Ado-nai osah chayil, osah chayil

My strength with the song of G-d will be my salvation (Psalm 118:14)
The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tents of the righteous; the right hand of G-d is fearless. (Psalm 118:15)

Psalm 118:5-6 - Min Hameitzar by Deborah Sacks Mintz 
Min hameitzar, karati ya, annani vamerchav ya. 
Adonai li, lo ira, mah ya'aseh li adam.

From a narrow place, I called out to the Infinite, who answered me through the Divine Expanse.
The Infinite is with me, for I have no fear.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785