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Temple Beth-El is a member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and our religious practices reflect the balance of tradition and dynamism characteristic of Conservative Judaism. Our synagogue is fully egalitarian, including women and LGBTQI+ individuals in all aspects of our religious life. We balance Hebrew and English, silent prayer and congregational signing, striving to make our worship accessible to people of all backgrounds, ages, and stages, engaging for congregants and newcomers alike. Music is an important and uplifting part of our services; often, we feature instrumental music.

We utilize the Conservative movement's newest prayerbooks, Siddur Lev Shalem for Shabbat and Festivals; and Mahzor Lev Shalem for the High Holy Days.

We not only welcome but encourage children of all ages to participate in our services. While our worship is typically led by our clergy, we love to involve many voices from within our congregation, and regularly have congregants and children lead portions of our services and chant from the Torah. Above all, we strive for worship that enables people to connect to that which is deepest within themselves, that which is woven between us, and that which is greatest beyond us. We hope the environment we create in our services inspires, uplifts, and  fosters community.

We have a regular children’s service (the first Saturday of each month) – Tot Shabbat welcomes children ages six and younger which teaches basic prayers and Shabbat concepts. Come sing, dance, play and celebrate Shabbat with your young ones! Click here for the current schedule.

There is a “Balcony Playgroup” space adjacent to the sanctuary balcony, where families can come with their very young children and move between services and the play area as they wish.

Daily Minyan services are held in our chapel or, on Sundays, at the school. Click here for the Minyan schedule.

Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785