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Do you want to learn a new Jewish skill? Do you have Jewish skills or knowledge that you can share with others?

JUMP is a partnered learning lab, in which we connect congregants who want to learn new Jewish skills/knowledge with other congregants who have those skills/knowledge that they can share. Through this initiative, we hope to help congregants JUMP into deepening their relationship with Judaism and strengthen our community.

We invite everyone to participate in this initiative -- regardless of age, stage, background, or experience. Come as you are, no judgment, and no experience necessary! We hope you'll JUMP into learning and growing with us, deepening your relationship with Judaism and strengthening our community in the process!

Registration is now closed.  Stay tuned for more JUMP opportunities! Questions?  Email Rabbi Knopf.

UPDATE:  Our first cohort of students has been successful! Students are learningTorah lishma  (learning for its own sake) rather than for any utilitarian end, while others may some day share their accomplishments by chanting Torah or haftarah, leading a service, or giving a D'var Torah.   Some students will be sharing what they are learning: be on the lookout!

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784